Cost Of Building A House In Kenya

The average cost of building a house in Kenya is 30,000 shillings to 100,000 shillings per square meter, depending on the location, size, and type of house to be constructed. Building rates in Kenya’s rural areas are cheaper than in urban areas like Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru and other major towns. Likewise, building a simple and small house shall cost less than a complex and big one.

Construction projects vary depending on a number of factors; one of the main factors is the location of the construction site. In this post, we give a cost breakdown to help you estimate how much it shall cost to build your 1,2,3,4,5, or 6-bedroom house. You can also view how much it will cost to install solar power for your house here.

a breakdown of the cost of building in kenya

1. Cost Of Building A One-Bedroom In House In Kenya

The cost of building a one-bedroom house in Kenya is 300,000 to 700,000 shillings on average. However, the custom price of building the one-bedroom house you are planning to build shall depend on many factors that are custom to your 1 bedroom house plan, design, and planned place of construction.

For instance, building a one-bedroom house in rural Kenya shall cost less than constructing a one-bedroom house in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, and other big towns and cities in Kenya.

cost to build a 1 bedroom

A Breakdown Of The Cost Of Building A 1-Bedroom

2. Cost Of Building A 2 Bedroom House In Kenya

The cost of building a 2-bedroom house in Kenya is 400,000 shillings to 5 million on average. However, the custom cost of building your 2-bedroom house shall vary depending on the preferences and choices that you have in person.

If you already have land where you plan to set the site for constructing your 2-bedroom house in Kenya, the cost shall be lower than when you plan to buy the land. The design, your plan, professionals, materials, attachments, and other factors shall either reduce or hike the cost of building your 2-bedroom house in Kenya.

If you plan to build your 2 bedroom house on a budget, we advise that you focus on the basics and cut out secondary needs like hiring a professional interior designer and painter, and opt for quality but non-complex building materials which are cheaper. Below is a breakdown of the cost of building your 2-bedroom house in Kenya.

cost of building a 2-bedroom house in Kenya

2 Bedroom House Legal And Professional Costs

Architectural fees6% of the total building cost
Quantity Surveying fees3% of the total building cost
Engineering fees1.5% to 3% of the total building cost
Legal And Professional Costs

Cost Of Constructing A 2 Bedroom (Video)

Cost Of Constructing A 2 Bedroom (Video)

3. Cost Of Building A 3 Bedroom House In Kenya

The cost of building a 3-bedroom house in Kenya is 600,000 to 2.5 million shillings on average. However, many factors that shall be in play when building your own house shall either raise or lower the total construction cost. A simple three-bedroom shall cost 600,000 shillings to build in rural areas, while it shall cost up to 1 million shillings or more near urban areas. After this overview, we shall give you a more precise cost estimation for constructing a 3 bedroom.

cost of building a 3-bedroom house in Kenya

You can choose to build a mabati 3 bedroom or a permanent one. A mabati house shall be the cheapest, followed by a semi-permanent, then permanent. By choosing a good design and finding a good foreman, a mabati or a semi-permanent house can be constructed and finished with an outstanding result. At the same time, you save extra cash for customizations and stocking your new house. However, if you’re confident enough with cash, go for a fully permanent three-bedroom house, which shall cost up to 4 million and above, depending on the design and customizations.

The design of your 3 bedroom house, plan, fittings, natural Calamities, funding, materials, and many other factors shall add to or reduce the final cost of constructing your three-bedroom house in Kenya.

For instance, if you plan to build your three-bedroom house in a city like Nairobi, you should expect a high construction cost compared to someone building a 3 bedroom in rural Kenya or in small towns like Machakos and Narok.

The construction cost of a 3-bedroom mansion in Kenya

A 3-bedroom mansion costs 60,000 shillings to construct in Kenya. This is on the higher end; however, if you need are running on a budget, cutting out some features and the size of your mansion can cost you as low as 35,000 shillings per square meter.

Average Cost Of Building A 3-Bedroom (Video)

Average Cost Of Building A 3 Bedroom

4. Cost Of Building A 4 Bedroom House In Kenya

The cost of building a 4-bedroom house in Kenya is 3.5 million shillings to 8 million shillings or more on average. That said, the actual cost of building your custom 4-bedroom house shall cost more or less than 3.5 to 8 million shillings depending on factors like design, size, and location, as outlined below.


A four-bedroom house shall cost you less money to build in Kenya if you plan to construct it in a rural setting than an urban one. A complex 4 bedroom design shall cost you more to build compared to a simple design and plan.

As you notice, many factors must be considered before estimating the cost of building a 4-bedroom house. We shall discuss all the factors and give you a breakdown of the cost below;

A Breakdown Of The Cost Of Building A 4 Bedroom House In Kenya

4. Cost Of Building A 5 Bedroom House In Kenya

A 5-bedroom house shall cost 7.5 million on average. This is a general total cost of a standard 5-bedroom house in Kenya, however, the 5-bedroom you plan to build has its own specifications regarding location, design, plan, fittings, professionals, etc.

To help you narrow this general cost to the cost of building your custom 5-bedroom house in Kenya, go through the below guide and calculate your custom cost of building a 5-bedroom house in rural and urban Kenya.

How long shall it take to build a 5-bedroom in Kenya?

It shall take you 4 to 18 months or more to build a 5 bedroom. The time it takes to construct a house depends on your plans; for instance, some people prefer to build their house bit by bit to spread the cost across a long time, while others prefer to build their house within the shortest period possible. Building a house is an expensive investment; you might end up stuck without enough planning and capital.

cost of building a 5 bedroom in kenya

Building a house bit by bit is advisable as it shall allow you time to acquire the capital needed. You can, for instance, buy building materials bit by bit, then prepare and start the construction conveniently for your pocket.

How to cheaply build a 5 bedroom

To reduce the costs of building a 5-bedroom house in Kenya, you should cut materials and labor costs. For instance, you can make your own bricks instead of buying ready-made ones. Going for sand and ballast at the source shall save you the cost rather than getting a delivery from a broker. If you have access to trees, you can make your own timber rather than buy from retailers.

You should also consider a simple 5-bedroom house plan with few costly finishes and features. Buying construction materials at wholesale price is advisable. You can check for affordable building materials, compare prices and connect with the best seller in your location at

Cost Of Building A 5 Bedroom House In Kenya (Video)

cost of building a 5-bedroom house in Kenya

6. This Is The Cost Of Building A 6 Bedroom House In Kenya

Building a 6-bedroom house in Kenya costs 60,000 to 80,000 per square meter on average. That said, the average cost of a standard 6 bedroom quoted above shall not apply to your personal planned project. Your six-bedroom house shall cost more or less than 70,000 shillings per square meter to build, considering your specific custom needs and plan for the house.

Many factors are in play when building a house in Kenya. These factors shall either lower or increase the cost of building your 6-bedroom house in Kenya. A six-bedroom house is a heavy construction project considering a large amount of input in materials, land, and labour needed.

Depending on the design, style, size, labour, location, and many other factors, the total construction cost might go high or low to our quoted figure above. Let us explore these factors and variations to help you develop an acceptable personal cost for building your 6-bedroom house in Kenya.

A Breakdown Of Costs Of Constructing In Kenya

To better estimate the cost of building your house in Kenya, we shall break down each step and part as listed below:

Cost Of Land For Building A House In Kenya

cost of land for building in Kenya

Land comes first when you want to build a house. The size and location of the land shall depend on the house you want to build. If you already have land for building your house, skip to the next part.

Before we go to the average cost of land in Kenya, below are factors that shall determine the average cost of land in Kenya:

So, what is the price of land in Kenya?

The price of land in Kenya is 300,000 shillings to 50,0000,000 per acre as broken down below.

Rural Kenya1 acre300,000 to 5 Million shillings
Rural KenyaPlot150,000 to 300,000 shillings
Urban Kenya1 acre60,000,000 to 500,000,000
Nairobi1 acre250,000,000 on average shillings
Urban Kenyaplot300,000 to 10,000,000 shillings
price of land in Kenya

Price of building materials in Kenya

price of building materials in Kenya

After getting the ideal plan and design for your house, the next thing to consider is the materials needed for building the house. Below are the materials you shall need.

Cement650 shillings per 50kg bag
See cement prices in kenya
Sand1,700 shillings per tonne Learn more here.
Ballast1,500 shillings per tonne. The cost varies as explained here.
Blocks or bricks15 to 60 shillings per piece. More block prices.
Tiles1,000 to 4500 shillings per square meter
More tile prices here
Sinks2,500 shillings – 16,000.
Learn more about sink prices here
Pipes and fittings32mm PPR pipe for plumbing – 95 shillings per meter
PPR plumbing pipe fittings 10 shillings per piece
Electrical conduit pipes – 90 shillings per meter
Pvc Waste Pipe 6m 4inch – 1,950 shillings
Toilet & ShowerToilet seat – 7,000 to 17,000 shillings
Shower head – 800 to 2,000 shillings
Open to see toilet prices in Kenya.
Windowssteel windows 3,500 to 16,000 shillings. See more.
Doorssteel doors – 15,000 to 40,000 shillings. Vier more.
Timber30 shillings per foot as outlined in this post.
Steel barsBRC steel mesh 20,000 shillings
Steel bars 440 to 4,950 shillings. Learn more here.
CeilingView ceiling costs here
Iron sheets500 to 3500 shillings
Find more iron sheet prices here
Tanks6,000 to 17,000 shillings on average for plastic tanks.
You can find more tank prices here.
building materials prices in kenya

There are more building materials required to build your house in kenya. Go here to search and buy building materials at affordable prices online.

Cost Of Labour Of Building A House In Kenya

The cost of labor and specialists in rural Kenya is always cheaper compared to the high labor cost for construction in towns and cities in Kenya. For instance, the cost of a mjengo fundi in urban Kenya ranges from 700-1200 shillings, while a mjengo fundi in rural can cost as low as 500 shillings per day. Below is a breakdown of the labor cost of building a house in Kenya.

Factors That Determine The Cost Of Building A House In Kenya

1. Location Of Construction

When building a house in Kenya, the main factor is where you plan to build your house. Building a house in rural Kenya shall be cheaper compared to the cost of building a house in urban Kenya. In urban Kenya, land cost is always skyrocketing compared to rural Kenya.

Most times, some basic building materials in Kenya vary depending on the place. Rural places with favorable climates have water available for free. At the same time, towns and cities such as Nairobi force you to buy water for building your house, thereby raising the total construction cost.

2. Availability of building materials

The availability of building materials is another factor. The distance you shall have to transport these materials affects the cost of building your house in urban and rural Kenya.

In urban Kenya, construction materials such as sand, bricks, timber, tiles, steel, windows, doors, and so forth are usually readily available and near the construction site compared to rural Kenya.

Most rural homes in Kenya are built at the grassroots, forcing one to pay for considerably higher prices of transport of materials from the source to the site. Some prospective home builders have the luck to get some materials cheaply and readily available. For instance, the cost of sand for someone building a house in kitui, Machakos, and surrounding places shall be cheaper since sand naturally occurs in the area.

3. Type & Design Of Your House

The type of house you plan to build affects the total cost it shall incur for you to start and finish building your house. Complex house designs shall require more sophisticated professions and materials than simple designs, thereby raising the house’s cost.

If you are running on a budget, you should consider choosing a simple but sufficient house design to decrease the number and experience of specialists and materials needed.

Some house designs in Kenya can comfortably be handled and supervised from the start to the end by a foreman. In contrast, others shall need close monitoring and the presence of an experienced professional engineer and architect, raising the cost of building your dream house. Here are some affordable house designs in Kenya that shall cut the cost of building your house.

How To Build A House Cheaply In Kenya

To build a house cheaply in Kenya, you should reduce the labor and construction material costs using the means below;

  1. Buy building materials in bulk from a wholesaler. The wholesale price of building materials in Kenya is lower than retail and shall reduce the total building cost.
  2. Buy building materials and all supplies in bulk; Avoid asking your contractor to buy them on your behalf as some take advantage to hike the price.
  3. Research the current prices of building materials before going out to buy. Bargain the price as much as you can when buying supplies and building materials but don’t compromise on the quality. Finding a wholesaler with deals and offers to cut costs is even better.
  4. Keep an eye on the whole construction process in person. Ensure you check on the site regularly and have someone you trust always monitor the construction process.
  5. Avoid extra fittings and finishes you don’t need; This will make your building cheaper.
  6. Choose a simple house design; A complex house design requires more materials and labor. A simple design is cheaper and shall save on the total building cost.
  7. Use interlocking blocks to build your house as they are cement efficiently compared to stones or bricks. Check out the price of interlocking blocks, bricks and stones here.
  8. Reduce the size of a house to make it cheaper to build. Cutting out a few square meters won’t hurt as long as you don’t overdo it.

Is it better to buy or build a house in Kenya?

It is better to build a house than buy a house in Kenya because of the following advantages:

  1. Building a house gives you control over the design, while buying fixes you to a ready-made design.
  2. By building your house, you save on the cost of materials by timing purchases and bargaining, something you don’t have control over if you buy a ready-made house.
  3. Building a house results in a good quality house since you buy materials yourself. Buying a house can get you a poor-quality house since most real estate agencies in Kenya use low-quality materials to maximize profits.
  4. Building your own house allows flexibility since you work with your own timing and financial status while buying a house requires a one-time payment or fixed installment.

However, buying a house rather than building a house in Kenya has the following disadvantages;

  1. Faster ownership of a house since with buying, the house is already constructed, while with building, you have to take time.
  2. Buying a house saves you the management stress involved when building a house.
  3. Access to prime locations and properties comes with buying a house rather than building one, especially in cities like Nairobi, where most prime areas are already developed.

In conclusion, building a house is better than buying, especially in rural and suburban areas. Buying a house is suitable for urban areas such as Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kisumu, among others.

Should you build or buy a house in Kenya?

FAQs About Cost Of Construction In Kenya

What is the cost of building a simple house in Kenya?

This shall depend on the type of house you are building and its size. A mabati house in Kenya shall cost less per square meter than a blockhouse. Likewise, the number of rooms your house shall have determines the cost; the more rooms, the higher the cost. A simple 1 bedroom mabati house in Kenya costs 200,000 shillings or less to build, while a cheap 1 bedroom permanent house shall cost 300,000 on the lower end.

How cheap can you build a house in Kenya?

To build a house cheaply in Kenya, you need to cut the extra materials needed to build complex extra parts. As guided in the article above, making your own bricks and timber and going for materials like sand and ballast at the source shall be cheaper than buying from brokers. You can only build a house cheaply in Kenya by going simple on the design and size.

Which is cheaper, buying and building a house?

Building a house is cheaper than buying it if you keep it simple. Buying a house means the owner or agent selling the house is planning to profit from the sale. Still, an already-built house makes the land developed and, therefore, more expensive than building a house on vacant land from scratch.

How much does it cost to build one bedsitter in Kenya?

One bedsitter in Kenya shall cost up to 400,000 shillings to build; the cost can be less or more depending on the type.

What is the cost of building a one-bedroom in rural Kenya?

Building a 1 bedroom house in rural Kenya costs 400 to 700,000 shillings. In rural areas of Kenya, building a 1 bedroom house can be made cheaper by using cheaply available materials such as timber and sand. You can even hire people to make your bricks locally.

How many bags of cement do I need for a 2-bedroom house in Kenya?

A 2-bedroom house in Kenya shall need an average of 10 bags per square meter to build.

How much can a 2-bedroom house cost in Kenya?

A two-bedroom house in Kenya costs between 400,000 shillings to 5 million shillings depending on the place and design of the two-bedroom you need to build.

How many iron sheets do I need for a 2-bedroom house in Kenya?

To get the number of iron sheets needed to build a two-bedroom house in Kenya, divide the total square feet of your roof by the square feet of each iron sheet.

What is the cost of roofing a two-bedroom house in Kenya?

Roofing a two-bedroom house in Kenya costs 50,000 shillings to 80,000 shillings on average. The cost of roofing your two-bedroom shall depend on factors like the type and design of the roof and the roofing materials you choose. Find out more about the cost of roofing in kenya.

How much does it cost to build a 4 bedroom?

In Kenya building, a 4-bedroom house costs 3 million to 7 million shillings on average.

How long does it take to build a 4-bedroom?

Building a four-bedroom shall take 3 to 16 months to complete. The time shall depend on the design and your preparedness in terms of the budget for construction.

What is the cost of constructing a 4-bedroom in rural Kenya?

The construction cost in rural Kenya is cheaper; with 2.5 to 3.5 million shillings, you can build a standard house.

How to estimate the cost of building a house (video)

how to estimate the cost of building a house in kneya